The directors of Thor Mining Plc (“Thor”) (AIM, ASX: THR, OTCQB: THORF) are pleased to provide initial drill results from Kelly’s Ridge Prospect, Ragged Range, located in the Eastern Pilbara, Western Australia.
Project highlights:
- Drilling returns high-grade gold from the silicified altered contact along Kelly’s Ridge. Previous rock chip sampling at surface reported up to 15g/t Au and 535g/t Ag. Historical drilling reported 1.5m @ 22.97 g/t Au below these rock chips and four holes were designed to intersect this anomalous zone at depth.
- Best intercept to date of 4m @ 12.2g/t Au from 194m (22RRC0052).
- Only selected gold results received to date. Expecting all gold and multi-element assay data over the coming weeks.
- This first round of gold-only assays come from a few selected intervals in the first four holes of the 10-hole program, showing strong alteration as seen in the chip tray photo above.
We are delighted to share these high-grade intercepts from Kelly’s Ridge. The intercept of 4m @ 12.2g/t Au is an exceptional result under Kelly’s Ridge, especially given the depth of the 194m downhole, showing excellent grade continuity from the surface. This confirms the potential of the site as indicated by historical drilling. Furthermore, with more drilling results to come, we are looking forward to gaining further understanding of the project. We anticipate more positive news to be shared with the market in due course.
- Managing Director Nicole Galloway Warland
Managing Director Nicole Galloway Warland’s interview about the Kelly’s Gold results on the Finance News Network.
The Ragged Range Project covers 92 square kilometres of exploration licences at one of the best addresses for mining exploration in Australia.
Aproximately 40 kms west of Nullagine, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the Ragged Range Project area lies on the eastern boundary of the Greatland Gold Panorama project and predominantly comprises of Eastern Pilbara greenstone which is highly prospective for both gold and nickel.

Investor Presentation – PDAC 2023
The directors of Thor Energy Plc are pleased to provide investors a chance to view the presentation titled “Powering The Future”, delivered by Nicole Galloway Warland, Managing Director, at PDAC 2023, the leading mineral exploration and mining convention in Canada.

Quarterly Activities and Cash Flow Report (October 2022 to December 2022)
There were major advancements in key projects for Thor Energy Plc (AIM, ASX: THR, OTCQB: THORF) during the December quarter.

High-grade Copper and Gold confirmed at Kelly’s NE Prospect
Drilling returns high-grade gold from the silicified altered contact along Kelly’s Ridge.