The directors of Thor Energy Plc (AIM, ASX: THR) are pleased to announce that all approvals have been granted for drilling at the Company’s 100% owned Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Projects, located in the historic uranium-vanadium mining district within the Uravan Mineral Belt, southwest Colorado, USA
- All approvals and permits have been granted to commence follow-up drilling from the successful 2022 Program: Rim Rock, Groundhog and Section 23, at Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain projects.
- The proposed 4000m program is designed to further advance the uranium and vanadium projects, with drilling along strike of the mineralisation at Rim Rock and Groundhog, targeting airborne uranium anomalies, and to continue assessing the underexplored Section 23 area, where drilling in 2022 confirmed the uranium and vanadium prospectivity of the area.
- Drilling Contractor Boart Longyear is secured, with drilling to start in September.
Thor is delighted to now have all approvals in place to commence our proposed upcoming drilling program at our priority uranium and vanadium prospects, at the Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain projects. We are excited as the news aligns with our green energy strategy.
It has been a great effort by the Thor team and the supportive local communities, enabling us to now move forward with final drill site preparations, ready for the drill rig in September.
In the meantime, Thor is on the ground actively following up on our identified uranium anomalies from the recently completed magnetic and radiometric surveys. Each anomaly is being mapped, sampled, and ranked for potential drill testing. We look forward to updating the market when drilling commences.- Managing Director Nicole Galloway Warland
- Field assessment is underway over the airborne uranium anomalies, identified from the recently completed radiometric surveys at all three project areas, with the anomalies to be ranked for potential drill testing.
- The priority uranium anomalies identified; at Section 23 where there has been no previous mining, and the anomalies along strike of Groundhog will both be drill-tested as part of the proposed upcoming drilling program.
- Permitting has commenced for maiden drilling at Vanadium King Project, Utah.

Wedding Bell radiometric image (U2/Th ratio) draped over Digital Elevation Model (DEM) showing uranium anomalies in red, green and light blue with priority targets circled.
- Drilling is scheduled for September 2023.
- Drill site preparations to commence in readiness for drilling.

Uranium Drilling Commences at Wedding Bell Project
Drilling has commenced at Groundhog Prospect, on the Company’s 100% owned Wedding Bell Project, located in the uranium-vanadium
mining district of the Uravan Mineral Belt, southwest Colorado, USA.

Drill Preparations Underway At Wedding Bell Uranium Project
On-ground drill site preparations are now underway for our 2024 drilling programs at Rim Rock and Groundhog mine areas, with drilling scheduled to commence in early October

Uranium Drill Approvals Granted, Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Projects, USA
All approvals and permits have been granted to commence follow-up drilling at Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain projects including Rim Rock and Groundhog Prospects

Equity Placing to Accelerate Uranium and Copper Exploration
With the addition of these funds the Company is now in a position to plan for the next phases of exploration at its’ USA and South Australian projects.

RIU – Investor Presentation (May 2024)
Thor Energy Plc is pleased to provide investors with a chance to view the presentation slides from the Investor Presentation titled “Uranium Focus”, prepared by MD Nicole Galloway Warland, for the RIU Conference in Sydney.

High Grade Uranium and Vanadium Assays – Wedding Bell and Radium Mountain Projects, USA
Assays return up to 3,0348 ppm (3.0%) V2O5 vanadium pentoxide, with uranium assay grades up to 6,250ppm (0.63%) U3O8, consistent with the high-grade downhole gamma uranium results